Joint Pain Treatments

Dr. Julie Hunnicutt and Dr. Wendy Jones at Restore Chiropractic Roswell have provided care for Roswell, GA, residents for over 30 years, incorporating various natural and non-invasive treatments for joint pain and other musculoskeletal complaints.

Why Am I Experiencing Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be tricky to diagnose and falls into two main categories:

  • True joint pain (arthralgia)
  • Pain radiating from structures like the ligaments, tendons, or muscles outside the joints and not the joints themselves.

Some of the reasons why you may be experiencing acute or chronic joint pain or pain at your joints include:

  • Joint inflammation or arthritis
  • Nearby muscle pain
  • Gout or crystals in the joints
  • Trauma or injury
  • Repetitive strain or overuse of a joint
  • Tendinitis, which is the inflammation of your tendons
  • Bursitis, which is the swelling and irritation of your bursae – fluid-filled sacs that act as cushions in your body.

Regardless of the reasons why you are experiencing joint pain, it can be painful and affect your quality of life. Joint pain may be accompanied by swelling, tenderness, warmth in the affected area, and a change in your range of motion.

If you begin to struggle with persistent joint pain, we recommend making an appointment to see your chiropractor.

Chiropractic Treatment for Joint Pain

At Restore Chiropractic Roswell serving the Roswell, GA, area, we take your overall health seriously and implemented a fresh approach to chiropractic care by including nutrition and massage therapy.

After a complete evaluation, Dr. Hunnicutt or Dr. Jones will recommend a targeted treatment plan for your joint pain needs. This may look like using low-force chiropractic techniques to start, and increasing or modifying these manipulations as needed. Other interventions we may recommend, if appropriate, include:

  • Spinal decompression to stretch out the spine and manage disc injuries
  • Therapeutic exercise to improve function and mobility and strengthen your body’s structural system.
  • Different types of massage therapy for deep relaxation and tension release.
  • Nutrition planning to relieve pressure on the joints long term and to remove foods from your daily diet that might trigger gout attacks.

There are several ways to address joint pain using alternative and complementary interventions, once the underlying reason is established.

Contact Information

For joint pain care in Roswell, GA, look no further than Restore Chiropractic Roswell. Place yourself in the experienced hands of Dr. Hunnicutt and Dr. Jones by calling us now at (770) 993-0040 to schedule a consultation. 

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